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Experience first-hand why 2,936 homeowners give us a perfect score!
I've been out of the Army for 6 years now (Army Infantry) with a 2 deployments to some rough spots in Afghanistan and some interesting experiences. Transition to the civilian sector in many ways has been a rollercoaster ride, and sometimes it still is. But, from the moment I applied to see if I was eligible for a home loan to now (post-closing) has been nothing less than great. Although I had to jump through hoops and put some work into building my credit, I had Kinsey keeping constant communication with me (8-10 months). Keeping tabs and motivating me to push forward. Once I reached the credit score, James and his loan team were nothing less than stellar (that goes from attitude to job performance in my eyes). Even when I doubted myself and didn't think it would be possible, he was extremely assuring and even that bit helped with my confidence. Veterans united is probably the best company I've ever dealt with across all boards. Words cannot solely describe what they do for people. Thank you!!