I also feel that too many staff members are trying to work from home instead of being in the office for the customer and that was part of the communication breakdown and confusion during the loan process. I have other friends whom are veterans that have stated they have had the same problems with the Virginia Beach office and would not be using them again. The staff were very friendly at all times with us but the communication process was the biggest problem !!
Veterans United guided me through the entire loan process from start to closing and beyond with ease. It was smooth! Always there for me and I am absolutely sure they will be there for my fellow veterans as well. I am just saying, you cannot go wrong with Veterans United. They are professional as professional gets.Jerry Mance
USMC Retired
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This process has been the most simple and smooth one that I could have ever hoped for. Buying our new home, which is normally a challenge for most, has been one of the easiest mountains to climb! We aren’t new home buyers, so we definitely can tell the difference working with Veteran’s United. Thanks guys!